Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I slept through the night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sanders is 8 weeks old today and last night he slept from 11pm until 4:30am!! I was scared to death at first when I realized what time it was, but he was just fine. Let's hope this continues, but at the very least we know he can do it and I get more and more sleep everyday :)

Daddy found a new way to wear me and play rock band. I love to look around at everything!

I love the lion cousin Mason gave me!

I got an early Christmas present and I love it. It is a playtime mat with lots of stuff overhead for me to look at. I smile at it a lot!

Me posing with my christmas stocking! Look familiar Mason? :)

1 comment:

Steph said...

A Pepper stocking? Mason will freak! :) I love Sanders, he's sooo cute and YIPEEEEEEEE for sleeping through the night, what a great treat!!